
Firebase setup for Flutter application in 10 minutes.(part 1)

Firebase is one of the popular database system which is real-time database system. There are lot more  advantage of using the Firebase except of other databases. refer Firebase from here . There is few steps to do, Not more gossips let's get back to the business. Follow my article with following instructions. 1) Go to this link . (Firebase page) 2) If you have an valid gmail account sign in from using that gmail to the Firebase    If you have not an gmail address, First create valid gmail address.  3) Anyhow after complete that process page redirect to the homepage.      click "Go to Console" (Right side at the top of the corner) 4) Then go through that easy steps until "Your Firebase projects" window. 5) Then click add project. 6) Enter the project name and click next. 7) Give the permissions to the google analytics.(If necessary) For read about google analytics go through via this link. Now you have...

Most Popular Dart Packages ( 2019 October )

As we all know sometimes we need dart packages to do specific things. Example : Suppose you need to import images from the image library or taking new picture with the camera.           Then You need 'image_picker' package. Likewise we all need to have use any of these packages during our app development. So following packages are the Top dart packages. 1) http package  A composable, cross-platform, Future-based API for making HTTP requests.      for implementation use this link . 2) shared_preferences Flutter plugin for reading and writing simple key-value pairs.  Wraps NSUserDefaults on iOS and SharedPreferences on Android.      for implementation use this link 3) url_launcher Flutter plugin for launching a URL on Android and iOS. Supports web,  phone, SMS, and email schemes.      for implementation use this link 4) image_picker Flutter plugin for selec...

Create Responsive Web sites Easily

I may be wondering when seeing this Heading. Ah!!! Sometime You may think Ah!! This should be a fake news . No. The solution is bootstrap studio !! Software has to be purchased : Because it's built using the well-known Bootstrap framework. Bootstrap studio  offers clean and simple exportation options. so that every developer can make  the application or website that's best suited to their needs or the expectations  of their clients. Featuring the same simplicity and versatility as the Bootstrap framework, Bootstrap  studio comes brimming with a range of unique components which can be dragged and dropped into place. Bootstrap Studio is recently-released desktop application intended to help designers  create beautiful and appealing website experiences. simply saying, Bootstrap Studio is a desktop application that helps you create beautiful websites. Bootstrap Studio is a powerful desktop app for designin...

Basic Structure of a Flutter App

Basic Widgets we should know in flutter In Flutter, every component in the app is called a widget . As the example if you want to show sentence like "hello world", we have to use Text widget . Likewise containers, Texts, Images, ......etc all are widgets. OK. Let's go to the basics. The most important widget we have to use is MaterialApp widget . It represent whole app. It has 2 properties mainly. Those are 'title' and 'home' . title means app name. we can give any string value for it. home means the structure inside our app. basically the structure when we open the app.  In the home property  we can provide a class which is to be implemented. It contains Scaffold widget and it Implements the basic material design visual layout structure. This class provides APIs for showing drawers, snack bars, and bottom sheets. In the Scaffold widget there are several properties can be implemented. Properties appBar → PreferredSiz...

Connect Emulator or Mobile phone in Android Studio

As we all know we have to use a android or ios simulator to run android applications. Android simulator is a virtual device that we can create. As the example we can create a virtual Nexus-5 device to execute the built app. These are the steps of creating Virtual device Steps : 1) Open the Android Studio 2) Go to  Tools -> AVD Manager 3) In this window we can see that existing Virtual devices. 4) Click Create Virtual Device  5) Select the category you want to execute the app ( Phone is recommended ) 6) Select Any device that you like and click next. 7) If there is any recommendation you have, download and install the requirements. 8) Then Select any Operating System and download that API. 9) click finish. Yeah!! Now you are done with creating virtual device. Now run the app via created device. This process takes some time to start android operating system and install the relevant app. So we have a another method!!! Using our mobile phone we can run our apps ver...

Installing Android Studio, Flutter and Dart ( Part 2 )

Installing Android Studio, Flutter and Dart ( Part 2 ) As the previous post said we can use flutter with VS-code or inteliJ platform. In this article I'm going to discuss about installing flutter and dart to the VS code application. Follow these steps ( You may need to have android studio and Android SDK before go through this article ) follow my first article: 1) Download and install VS code via this download link     Download link : 2) Finish the installation. 3) Open the VS code 4) Now go to the left side of the application and click Extensions. 5) In the search panel search flutter. 6) Click that extension and install it. 7) As same as above install the Dart extension also. 8) Then go to the explorer panel. 9) Add a newly created empty folder ( Drag and Drop ). 10)Then conne...

Installing Android Studio, Flutter and Dart

We can use flutter in 3 ways. 1) With Android Studio (You need minimum 4GB memory for run this ) 2) With VS Code 3) With inteliJ platform In this article we are going to talk about how to start a flutter application via Android Studio. Follow this steps 1.The first thing is to download and install Android studio.    Download Link : 2.Open the android studio.    Go to Tools-->SDK manager 3.Select the Edit link under Android SDK 4.Then tick the components that you want and click finish. 5.Then it will automatically download and install latest Android SDK version and Android Emulator Settings. 6.Go to the Plugins and search flutter and dart plugins 7.Then install those separately. Now you can start the new flutter project. For that go to  File-> New-> New flutter project Wait some time for the updates and creation of included files. Now...